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  • Students graduating from college

    Smart Money Management: 4 Tips for College

    You’ve graduated from college and are ready to embark on your journey to financial independence. As you transition from student to professional life, it’s essential to establish good money-management habits.

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  • Man using a piggy bank to teach young girl how to save

    Four Tips to Teach Your Children to Save Responsibly

    National Teach Children to Save Day is the perfect opportunity to help your kids create a plan to achieve their financial goals and build financial security.

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  • Woman adding coins to a jar

    4 Ways to Save During a Recession

    Amid the ever-rising costs of food items, energy, and more, many of us are giving our expenses a second look to identify ways of building up cash reserves.

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  • laptop with icons floating out of it.

    Three Tips to Recognize and Avoid Popular Wintertime Scams

    Scammers are always thinking up new ways to victimize you and take your hard-earned cash. Whether by mail, phone, or email there are several ways thieves may try to swindle you this time of year.

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  • Woman checking her bills after Christmas

    Three Ways to Recover From Holiday Spending

    Feeling the post-holiday spending blues? We’re ready to help you recover and better plan for the year ahead!

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  • Woman typing password into phone

    Keep Safe During Cybersecurity Awareness Month

    According to the Federal Trade Commission, Americans lost $5.8 billion to phishing and other fraud in 2021. Don’t let yourself be a part of this statistic in 2022.

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  • Hand putting coins into a piggy bank on top of textbooks

    Top 3 Benefits of Cornerstone Plus for College Students

    In this blog, we explain the top 3 benefits of Cornerstone Plus as you navigate your college experience and strive to create a solid financial foundation for your future.

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  • Woman withdrawing money from an ATM

    Don’t Miss Out: Avoid These 5 Common Checking Account Mistakes

    The right checking account is an important tool in your financial arsenal, but you have to pick the best account for you (and use it correctly) to reap all the possible benefits.

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  • Woman electronically depositing a check into her checking account

    Need More Reasons to Choose the ‘RITE’ Checking Account? We’ve Got You Covered

    It can be tempting to use your tax return on something fun like a vacation or shopping spree, but the money you get back from the government can be used to improve your financial situation.

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  • Cornerstone Bank brick building

    Five Ways to Use Your Tax Refund to Improve Your Finances

    While putting your tax return into savings may sound like a drag, you will thank yourself down the road.

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  • Group of business people shaking hands

    What We Look for When Lending to a Business

    Applying for a business loan? This is what we look for during the approval process.

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  • A replica house on a wooden table with a key lying next to it

    Be Aware: Fee Increases Set for Second Home and High-Balance Mortgages, but not at Cornerstone Bank.

    Are you planning on securing a second home or high-balance mortgage in the coming months? If so, it’s important to know that an increase in the fees charged on these loans are coming.

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