Safeguarding Your Information
Interested in learning how to keep your information safe for your business? At Cornerstone Bank, we are strongly committed to the safety and confidentiality of your records. Every day, dishonest individuals are developing new scams targeting the unsuspecting public—we can help your commercial account avoid fraud with our tips on data safety.
Bank Responsibilities
- On at least an annual basis, Cornerstone Bank reviews its online banking controls and will adjust them, if necessary.
- We frequently review the current fraud trends to determine if changes are required in regard to current security controls. We then alert you to these changes.
- Monitor ACH, wire transfer, ATM and bill pay transactions for suspicious activity on your account.
- Block all foreign ATM Transactions from countries specifically noted through fraud trend analysis via Cornerstone Bank and our ATM provider.
Your Responsibilities
- You should ideally dedicate a single computer for online financial transactions and prohibit any other form of web surfing on this computer.
- Establish a separate account for the origination of each type of transaction (ACH, ATM, wire transfers).
- Fund your accounts with only enough funds to cover the planned transactions on a daily basis.
- Establish dual control over the setup and creation of new user accounts and new payees on all financial systems.
- Run summary reports of all transactions to ensure they are accurate.
- Always review your transactions the next business day to determine if fraudulent activity has occurred.
- Maintain up-to-date anti-virus software on your computer systems at all times. Patch your operating system weekly and ensure that you are updating Java and Adobe applications weekly as well, if applicable.
- Utilize a unique complex password (upper case, lower case, special characters) at least 8 characters long and change it every 30–45 days.
- Never provide your account number or username/password in any written communication to the bank, including email.
- Watch out for copycat websites that deliberately use a domain name that is similar to, but not the same as, your intended destination. These fake sites attempt to trick the user into divulging personal information.
- Always use your pre-established link to access websites. Never click on a link contained in an email. Remember: we will never ask you for your password or pin number.

How to Protect Your Data Online
While these layered processes are designed to teach you how to keep data safe and secure, please be aware that despite our best efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. Please remember that email may or may not be secure and you should not send any confidential or sensitive information to Cornerstone Bank via email. Be vigilant and monitor your account at all times. In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers, contact us immediately. Reach out to us immediately if you have concerns over security or possible fraud.