Cornerstone Bank donates $6,000 to the Gateways Academy, Inc., in Shrewsbury

Cornerstone Bank recently donated $6,000 to the Gateways Academy, Inc., a small, private school in Shrewsbury. The funds will be used to provide financial aid to families with children attending the school.

“Our Community Relations Manager, Nicole Digregorio, and other members of our team have been involved with Gateways Academy over the past couple years providing mentorship and entrepreneurial education, as well as financial literacy lessons,” said Cornerstone Bank CEO Todd Tallman. “They are incredibly impressed by the students, staff and school, so we’re proud to amplify their efforts with additional financial support.”

Last year, Cornerstone Bank donated $5,000 to support the school’s American Sign Language (ASL) program, physical education and team building.

Gateways Academy began as an idea to serve Worcester families recently displaced by the closing of private schools within the city during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its mission is to help each child realize their individual gifts through a blended and comprehensive education for diverse learners. Educators strive to reach each student’s intellectual potential and interests with an array of academic, cultural, service and technological opportunities.
