Savings Rates
(Rates Subject to Change Without Notice)
All rates effective as of: 3/23/2025
Type | Minimum to Open | Minimum to Earn APY | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) | Interest Rate | Monthly Fee |
Statement Savings | $10.00 | $10.00 | 0.05% | 0.05% | N/A |
Holiday Savings Plan | $10.00 | $10.00 | 0.05% | 0.05% | N/A |
Moola Savings® | $5.00 | $0.01 | Tiered Rate: $0.01 – $500.00 2.50% $500.01 & Over 0.05% | Tiered Rate: $0.01 – $500.00 2.47% $500.01 & Over 0.05% | N/A |
Personal Money Market | $25.00 | $0.01 | Tiered Rate: $5,000.00 or more 0.10% $0.01 – $4,999.99 0.05% | Tiered Rate: $5,000.00 or more 0.10% $0.01 – $4,999.99 0.05% | N/A |
Premier Money Market | $1,000.00 | $1,000.00 | Tiered Rate: $500,000.00 or more 4.00% $350,000 – $499,999.99 3.75% $150,000 – $349,999.99 3.25% $50,000 – $149,999.99 3.00% $10,000 – $49,999.99 2.50% $1,000 – $9,999.99 0.50% | Tiered Rate: $500,000.00 or more 3.93% $350,000 – $499,999.99 3.69% $150,000 – $349,999.99 3.20% $50,000 – $149,999.99 2.96% $10,000 – $49,999.99 2.47% $1,000 – $9,999.99 0.50% | N/A |
IRA Savings | $50.00 | $0.01 | 0.25% | 0.25% | N/A |
APY – Annual Percentage Yield
Variable rate account, interest rates and APY are determined at the Bank’s discretion and subject to change at any time. Fees may reduce earnings.